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We recognize that this is a long application. Do not be discouraged! If the entire application seems overwhelming, you might try completing just a section at a time. With the online application it is possible to save your work and return later to complete it. Be sure to have your sponsor help you. And if you have any questions, please call our office and we will be happy to assist you.

About The scholarship

The Women’s Independence Scholarship Program (WISP) was created in 1999 to help formerly battered women overcome barriers to the education necessary for their becoming employable and financially stable.

The primary intent is to help single mothers with young children who have the greatest financial challenges (childcare costs, etc.) to gain work skills so they can support their families.

Our funds target women who are in desperate financial situations and absolutely must have both an education and our funds to assist them.

About Graduate School

Funds to assist with expenses for graduate school are limited. While we applaud all women who pursue graduate degrees in law, medicine, social work, etc., they generally do not met our basic “crisis situation” financial need criterion.

About For Profit Schools

For Profit schools are a low priority for WISP funding. In our experience, many For Profit schools have high tuition costs, low graduation rates, lack of credit transferability, and other limitations making them poor choices when it comes to investing in education.

About Eligibility

To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, the applicant must be a woman who is a direct survivor of intimate partner abuse. While we abhor abuse from any source, our effort is in assisting those women who are survivors of partner abuse.

The primary intent of the WISP program is to assist women who have been parted from an abusive partner for a minimum of one year.

Women who have been parted from their batterers for more than five years may also apply. However, funding for these individuals may be limited.

Special consideration will be given to those interested in using their education to further the rights of, and options for, women and girls.