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Your organization gives me the hope
I thought was lost. You are part of my story;
more so, your support gives me the leverage to
succeed academically.

Fatima, AA Business Administration, Class of 2018
I couldn't have completed my degree
without you. I cannot impress upon you how much you
have changed the trajectory of my life and the lives
of my children. The work you do is literally life changing
and I am proof of that.

Emily, BS Technology, Class of 2017
The WISP program helped me in a way that
no one else would. It was granted at a crucial
time in my life, when there were no resources
in sight. You are a gateway for women to get
beyond their circumstance and see a light
within a darkness that cannot be fathomed
without having gone through domestic violence.

Yolanda, BA Human Services, Class of 2016
Just knowing that this scholarship is available gave me
the spark of hope I needed to think that my education
was actually possible.

Laura, BS Sports Management, Class of 2018
Thank you so much for awarding my client with
the WISP Scholarship…it means the Future to her!!!
Gayle Seratt, Sanders County Partnership for Families, Thompson Falls MT

Education is a powerful tool which breaks down barriers and opens doors of opportunity.