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The goal is not to be calm.   How do you feel when you read that sentence?  I was both surprised and relieved when I heard it – on two separate occasions from two different people last week.  It got my attention the first time 
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Legacy: noun 1. a gift, usually money or property, left to someone in a will 2. something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past 3. a candidate for membership in an organization who is given preference because a relative 
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Dream: noun 1. A series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. 2. A cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. “Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.” @begreatnowva If we’re using our 
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Reflect: verb To think deeply or carefully about. What can you do today that you were not capable of 12 months ago? Well now…that’s a potent question! How often do we take the time to reflect on how far we’ve come? A new year prompts 
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Success: noun 1. Degree or measure of succeeding 2. Favorable or desired outcome 3. The attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence It’s interesting to note that the dictionary definition of success mentions things like wealth, status, and superiority. These are ways our culture measures success, 
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Grit: noun 1. (When used in the context of behavior) firmness of character; indomitable spirit. I think of grit as having the drive and determination to keep going – whether it’s completing a project or not quitting when life gets tough. The characteristic of being 
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Alchemy: noun 1. the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. 2. a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. Although the practice of alchemy yielded many important discoveries, early chemists in the Middle Ages eventually gave up on turning 
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Change: verb 1. to become different 2. to make (someone or something) different 3. to become something else Fall is a season of transition – the beautiful foliage is a signal that the warm days of summer are coming to an end and the chill 
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Bloom: noun 1. The flowering state, a period of flowering. 2. A state or time of beauty, freshness, vigor 3. A state or time of high development and achievement Look at these! Soooo amazing! They’re from the seed gift from WISP last summer. What’s really 
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Opportunity: noun 1.  A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances. 2.  A favorable or suitable occasion or time. 3.  A chance for progress or advancement. Life offers up opportunities all the time.  Unfortunately, some are hard to recognize – and thus take advantage 
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